Impact dynamics theory for the analysis and simulation of collisions

Aus Colliseum
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Kasanicky, G.; Kohut, P.; Lukasik, M.; : Impact dynamics theory for the analysis and simulation of collisions

Universität Zilina, 1. Auflage 2004, 330 Seiten, ISBN 80-8070-312-4, 99,-€ excl..Vat/Mwst.and forwarding expenses


This book includes on its 330 pages the entire basic knowledge of the impact dynamics theory. The major part of the book deals with the vehicle dynamics and the impact of vehicles. Thereby impact models are as well presented as the perspective methods for impact dynamics calculation.

The book includes 50 pictures, 280 graphs and 150 diagrams.

The Book is published in English only

Example :

Erhältlich bei

Ing.-Büro Priester/Kasanicky Angela-Braun-Str.16 D-66115 Saarbrücken [email protected]

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