Analyse von Pkw/Lkw-Auffahrunfällen mit Hilfe der dreidimensionalen Anwendung von Energierastern

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1998, pp. 83 – 89 (#3)

The reconstruction of Car-to-truck rear end collisions is a very problematic field of accident investigation. In very many cases the theory of momentum cannot be taken to calculate the collision speed of the car. The EES-method also does not lead to satisfying results because there is a lack of data.
Therefore it is necessary to create additional data about the energy distribution over the height of the car's front. It is shown that energy screens can be used to calculate car-to-truck rear end collisions if there are additional data available.


Bäumler, H.: Analyse von Pkw/Lkw-Auffahrunfällen mit Hilfe der dreidimensionalen Anwendung von Energierastern. Verkehrsunfall und Fahrzeugtechnik 36 (1998), pp. 83 – 89 (#3)


Abdruck des Vortrags auf der 34. Fachtagung des M.A.S. 1997.

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